Webinar #5
Presented Apr 16th, 2024 - 1:00PM - 2:00PM EST
Spidertech après le massage
Dans ce webinaire, nous discuterons de la manière dont l'application de Spidertech après votre massage des tissus profonds améliore le processus de récupération des tissus pour garantir un bénéfice thérapeutique maximal à vos clients. Des questions et réponses en direct suivront.
What You'll Learn
- + Soutien et stabilité : Le ruban Spidertech appliqué après un massage des tissus profonds offre un soutien ciblé, stabilisant les muscles et les articulations pour maintenir les bienfaits du massage et prévenir les nouvelles blessures.
- + Circulation et Drainage : Le ruban Spidertech lifte la peau, favorisant une meilleure circulation et un meilleur drainage lymphatique. Cela accélère la guérison en éliminant les déchets et en fournissant plus efficacement de l’oxygène et des nutriments aux tissus.
PDF Presentation - 2.1 MB

Dr.Nick Martichenko
Dr. Nick Martichenko is a performance therapist with over 10 years of experience providing manual therapy and coaching high-level athletic development primarily in the sports of golf & tennis.
He is the main performance therapist on Denis Shapovalov’s team and travels with him to many of the major tournaments throughout the year.
Nick is also the Head of Manual Therapy & Strength and Conditioning for Golf Ontario’s Development Program. Along with these specializations, Nick continues to serve as the Director of Education for Spidertech Kinesiology tape.
Nick is a proud alumnus of Robert Morris University where he played NCAA DIV 1 Golf.
Derniers webinaires
Spidertech & Shoulder Function
In this webinar, we’ll examine how Spidertech tape can improve shoulder function by enhancing range of motion, proprioception, and posture while reducing pain. Learn key taping techniques and methods to support recovery and optimize shoulder performance. A live Q&A session will follow.
In this webinar, we’ll discuss how Spidertech tape can alleviate elbow pain, enhance joint function, and support recovery. Learn key taping methods and specialized techniques for effective elbow and arm support. Live Q&A will follow.
In this webinar we will discuss how Spidertech tape can affect posture, pain, breathing mechanics, and shoulder function. We will review key ways to determine taping patterns and specialized techniques for complete thorax region support. Live Q&A will follow.